I know that Lono is planning to spew about this guy, but I figured I would prime the pumps by stealing his idea. Here is what I am talking about http://www.smh.com.au/world/irans-supreme-leader-seeks-music-ban-20100804-115xn.html
The most bewildering part is the Ayatollah's comment that people should "spend their valuable time in learning science and essential and useful skills, and fill their time with sport and healthy recreations instead of music." Christ, I don't even know where to start with that one. Honestly. I've been rendered typeless. Help me out, please. Anyone?
Anyhow, for stupidity so vast that it has deprived me of any ability or desire to argue rationally, the Ayatollah gets the first ever 'Douchebag of the Week' award here at Christinaction! Bravo! (Well, not really, but you know what I mean).
In any case, I hope to make Douchebag of the Week a somewhat regular feature here at the blog. At least, I hope I can get my shit together often enough to find a weekly douchebag. It might be a Douchebag of the Bi-week. Not for a lack of material, of course, but mostly because I suffer from one of the seven deadlies (sloth).
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